Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Okay, so I have found out that assisted living pets is my best bet for looking up study's and papers on my subject. I have found one book that may be useful but I think the best thing so far has been by a Mariam and William Banks. They conducted a study about what a pet can do for a person. I feel like that is the most helpful because I know how credible they are. Plus, they have two other pieces about this subject from different years. I found a periodical from 1997 that will help also. I am a little worried about the year but I think I can use it as a introduction to all of the studies that have been done. I actually have a study from 1982 that showed the same results. I think that the difference in year can help prove my point that this is not just a project for right now, but it has been a project for years. It will help sustain all of my points I think if I can find the same results from 1982 to now. 

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